In Greening The Numbers each life-size, paper, resin-covered Hindu-Arabic number is wired to a metal fence framing. The paper numbers depict human bodies in motion adapting to their specific numerical shapes. The human body, covered with wallpaper flowers, walks, jumps, crawls, and runs into the numbers.
The bodies are missing their heads. Similar to amusement parks where participants can stick their faces into cut-out ovals the viewers are invited to put their heads through the head-shaped holes to "complete the picture" and reconcile nature (body) with abstraction (number).
Greening The Numbers 1, 1993
Acrylic, paper, resin, metal, wire
120 inches x 48 inches x 3 inches
Greening The Numbers 3, 1993
Acrylic, paper, resin, metal, wire
120 inches x 48 inches x 3 inches
Greening The Numbers 5, 1993
Acrylic, paper, resin, metal, wire
120 inches x 48 inches x 3 inches